Dundee Community High School is looking for a Social Studies Teacher (RX). The job position will be posted on our website very soon. If interested please send a letter of intrest and resume to bryan.schroeder@dundeeschools.org. Please feel free to reach out to Mr. Schroeder if you have any questions about the position or job Posting. We are looking to fill this position as soon as possible.
12 months ago, Bryan Schroeder
Today Mrs. Root's 3rd graders made roller coasters to help them practice rounding in math. They loved it!
12 months ago, Shana Love
DES day 15
12 months ago, Shana Love
Headed back to DUNDEE with two wins! Great job 7th and 8th grade volleyball players and coaches!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
12 months ago, August Ost
Image of seventh grade volleyball team
7th grade got the W tonight and 8th grade is looking to do the same. Good luck, girls!
12 months ago, August Ost
Image of eighth grade volleyball team
Congratulations to this week's ROW Ticket winners! #ROWLikeVikings
12 months ago, Shana Love
Mrs. Burger's class was engaged in group work Friday! They were working on finding the main idea of mystery bags!
12 months ago, Shana Love
Many of our DMS athletes are getting after it this weekend!๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ“ฃ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ
12 months ago, August Ost
Image of DMS Cheerleaders.
Image of DMS Cheerleaders.
Image of football players.
Image of DMS football players.
Image of DMS football players.
Image of DMS cross country runners.
Image of DMS cross country runners.
Image of DMS cross country runners.
Image of DMS cross country runners.
Image of DMS cross country runners.
Varsity Football Final: Dundee Vikings 41 - Onstead Wildcats 14. Great second half boys. Hats off to the Camo-out student section! Go Vikings!
12 months ago, Dundee Community Schools
4th qtr action
student section 1
student section 2
red zone d
๐ŸˆCongrats to our DMS football teams for kicking off their season with victories over Onsted this week! Our 7th grade team won by a score of 22-6. The team was led by Jayden Hayes Jackson, Brayden Bonneau, and Brock Miller. Our 8th grade team won by a score of 25-0. Drew Schwab connected with Miles Fritzler for the first touchdown of the season. Great job players and coaches!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
12 months ago, August Ost
image of 7th grade football team and coaches
Our ROW winners for the week were treated to slushies this afternoon. No matter what grade a kiddo is in, slushies are a HIT!๐Ÿคฉ
12 months ago, August Ost
Image of 6th graders getting a slushy.
Image of 6th graders getting a slushy.
Ms. Draheim's 5th and 6th graders visited the Dundee branch of the Monroe County Library System today. It was a great day for this walk, and we appreciate the branch being so welcoming!
12 months ago, August Ost
Image of Ms. Draheimโ€™s class at the library.
Image of Ms. Draheimโ€™s class at the library.
Image of Ms. Draheimโ€™s class at the library.
Image of Ms. Draheimโ€™s class at the library.
Image of Ms. Draheimโ€™s class walking to the library.
Image of Ms. Draheimโ€™s class walking to the library.
Image of Ms. Draheimโ€™s class walking to the library.
Mrs. Sproles' kindergarten friends did a science experiment today!
12 months ago, Shana Love
Congratulations to this week's Cafeteria ROW Ticket winners!
12 months ago, Shana Love
Today, Mr. Briggs and Mrs. Love surprised fourth grade students in the cafeteria with a random drawing from the row ticket bin for appropriate lunchtime behaviors! Students could choose from various drinks and snacks from the cart. #RowLikeVikings #Pbis
12 months ago, Shana Love
Tons of fun creating in STEAM at DES
12 months ago, Shana Love
Our DMS Cross Country team traveled to Hillsdale yesterday for the Hillsdale Jamboree. Our girls team finished in 2nd place. The team was led by Allison Ost (1st overall female finisher, 8th grade), Addy Ringbloom (7th grade), and Rylee Cole (6th grade). Our boys team finished in 4th place. The team was led by Alex Tremonti (7th grade), Will Cory (7th grade), and Colin Ost (6th grade). All runners put forth an amazing effort! Great job!
12 months ago, August Ost
Image of Dundee runners at the Hillsdale Jamboree
Image of Dundee runners at the Hillsdale Jamboree
Image of Dundee runners at the Hillsdale Jamboree
Image of Dundee runners at the Hillsdale Jamboree
Image of Dundee runners at the Hillsdale Jamboree
Deputy Bills from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office joined us today for the first week of DARE with our 5th graders. We appreciate our partnership with Deputy Bills and his team!
12 months ago, August Ost
Image of 5th grade classroom during a DARE lesson.
Image of 5th grade classroom during a DARE lesson.
Image of 5th grade classroom during a DARE lesson.
Image of 5th grade classroom during a DARE lesson.
Image of 5th grade classroom during a DARE lesson.
We're thankful that Mrs. Zanger made the transition from DES to DMS this year, and we think it's fair to say her kids are enjoying their fifth grade experience!
12 months ago, August Ost
image of 5th grade student
image of 5th grade students
image of 5th grade students
image of 5th grade students
image of 5th grade students
image of 5th grade student
Congratulations to this week's ROW Ticket classroom winners!! #ROWLikeVikings #Respect #Ownership #WiseChoices
12 months ago, Shana Love