Congratulations to this week's ROW Ticket winners!
Read with a Flashlight Day at DES
It's bring a stuffed animal to school day at DES!
Congratulations to Mrs. Sauers and our third grade Vikings on a job well done at their music program this evening!
Congratulations to the DES Peer to Peer program for being awarded funds to continue the good work of the program! #Inclusion #Connections#ROWlikevikings
Game Day at DES
Music therapy is one of our favorite things! 🎶
Yearbooks are on sale now for $15. Sales are only available online at! Orders will be shipped to DES and sent home once they are received. The link to order a yearbook is posted on the flyer. The deadline to order is March 29th.
Dress Like a Book Character Day at DES
Wear PJs with words day at DES
Thank you, PTO, for helping us kick off March is Reading Month with popcorn and books!
Congratulations to this week's ROW Ticket winners!
Crazy Sock Day at DES to kick off March is Reading Month!
Congratulations to this week's ROW Ticket winners!
Young 5s and Kindergarten students recently won a PBIS competition. They were rewarded with popsicles to end the week! Great job, Vikings!
Congratulations to this week's ROW Ticket winners!
Happy Valentines Day from DES!
Today we celebrated being 100 days smarter by dressing like we are 100!
Congrats to our weekly PBIS winners! Great job, Vikings!
Here are our Weekly PBIS Winners! Great job, Vikings!